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Frequently Asked Questions

Recently Updated FAQs

  • Q. How many garden waste collections will I get for that payment?

    The £40 payment entitles residents to four-weekly collections from February to November this year.  View your recycling calendar.

    Last updated: 2025-02-05 13:15:06

  • Q. Will the frequency of my collections for garden waste change?

    The service will continue to operate every four weeks throughout the year from February to November. Collection dates will be advertised on this website and displayed on the collection calendars.

    Last updated: 2025-02-05 13:14:34

  • Q. How much is the charge for garden waste collections?

    The charge for a garden waste permit is £40 per year per bin.

    Last updated: 2025-01-21 15:33:18

  • Q. What happens if you require more than 1 garden waste bin?

    If you require more than 1 garden waste bin you will be charged for the number of bins required at a cost of £40 per bin.  A sticker for each bin permit ordered will be delivered for you to attach to each bin.

    Last updated: 2025-01-21 15:32:30

  • Q. What do I do if I am having trouble Registering for Council Services?

    Registering your Residents Recycling Permit

    If you don’t know your council tax number you can request a copy bill using the link on the permit page.  This will take 2-3 days to issue.  Your council tax account details must be up to date to allow us to verify your details and issue your copy bill.  Once you receive your copy bill you can continue with your online registration.

    Registering your Council Tax and Rent accounts

    Verifying your Account Name
    • Your Name
      If there is more than one person registered at your address, we only need your name.  For example, if the liable account holders are registered as “John & Jane Smith”, we only need your name, ie. ‘John Smith’ or ‘Jane Smith’. 
    • Using Titles
      Do not use your title, ie. ‘Mr John Smith’ should be entered as ‘John Smith’.
    • Using Initials
      You may have registered your council tax account with your initials only, ie. ‘J Smith’.  Check your council tax bill to see how you are registered and use initials if necessary.
    • Using Punctuation
      Punctuation is not required, ie. ‘John J. Smith’ should be entered as ‘John J Smith’.  The only exception would be hyphenated names, ie. ‘John Taylor-Smith’
    • Middle Names
      If you registered your account with your middle name, it would normally be your full name, ie. ‘John James Smith’ but occasionally this may have been shortened to ‘John J Smith’.  Check your council tax bill to see how you are registered and use initials if necessary.

    Verifying your Payment Details

    • Last Payment Amount
      Do not use the £ sign in the amount.
    • Last Payment Date
      Occasionally the payment date shown on your account may differ due to weekends or bank holidays.
    • Payment Method
      If you pay in several ways, always use the latest method of payment you used.
    • Rent Charge
      This is the full rent charge before any reduction for housing benefit, remember this changes each April.
    • No Payment Made?
      If this is a new account then you need to start making payments before you can verify online.
    If you are still encountering problems verifying your council tax or rent account you can call Customer Services on 01563 554400  who will be able to assist you.  

    Last updated: 2024-11-25 15:14:25

  • Q. How do I reset my password?

    You can reset your own password.

    Log into your account at Our East Ayrshire.

    Your username is displayed in the top right hand corner

    Select forgot my password.

    Enter your email address and you will be emailed a link to reset your password.  

    Password must not contain the characters %, ?, # or & and must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number and be 9 characters in length. 

    Last updated: 2024-04-18 14:52:51

  • Q. Can I order multiple Garden Waste permits for multiple bins?

    Each bin requires its own permit and you have to fill out 1 form per bin/permit required.  Each permit has a unique reference number and so only 1 permit can be purchased per submission. 

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 15:19:34

  • Q. Can I cancel a permit?

    Once purchased permits cannot be cancelled. 

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 15:16:18

  • Q. Is there a limit to the amount of brown bins per property?

    There is no limit to the amount of bins per property but each bin will only be emptied if a permit has been purchased per bin.

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 15:16:01

  • Q. What happens to my garden waste permit if I move house?

    If you move house, you can take your permit with you to your new address as long as it is within East Ayrshire. You will be asked to remove the permit sticker from the bin, inform us that you’re moving and provide us with your new address. The permit will then be re-issued to your new address with the old address being removed from the system.

    Please contact us by emailing or calling 01563 554400 and select option for Waste. 

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 13:49:10

  • Q. Are there any exemptions to the garden waste charges?

    All residents, regardless of age or ability will be required to pay the charge if they wish to use the garden waste collection service.

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 13:45:39

  • Q. What happens if I sign up for the garden waste permit for less than the full year?

    Residents are encouraged to have registered for the service before the start of collections in March to ensure that they receive the maximum number of collections throughout the year. Residents who sign up for the service after collections start in March will have to pay the full annual charge but will only receive collections once payment has been made and based on the next four weekly collection date for that property.

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 13:44:52

  • Q. How do I pay for the garden waste permit?

    Householders will be asked to make an annual payment either online or by telephone. 

    We have no plans to introduce rolling year charging, and residents will be required to pay the annual charge for the full year regardless of when they join the service.

    Last updated: 2023-01-18 13:43:25

  • Q. How do I create a customer account?

    To create a customer account, click register and then enter your email address and a password.
    You will then be sent a link to activate your account, once received simply log back in, create your profile and your details will then be stored.

    Last updated: 2021-04-14 14:54:00

  • Q. Do I need to make an appointment to access my local recycling centre?

    Bookings are currently mandatory for all vehicles. 

    If you are using a van, hire vehicle or trailer you will still need to make a booking to access your local recycling centre.


    Last updated: 2020-09-30 08:16:22

  • Q. What services are available on the Our East Ayrshire customer portal?

    You can register to access your council accounts including rent and council tax.
    You can report fly tipping, PEST control issues, abandoned vehicle, consumer complaints. 
    You can request 100th birthday celebration, anniversaries, skip hire and repairs.
    You can contact us with any questions you have.
    We are continuing to add new services to the Our East Ayrshire portal, including the following:
    • Applying for jobs
    • Apply for licences
    • Request a birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates
    • Apply or renew a clothing grant and free school meals
    • Make a payment
    • Recycling calendar request
    • Report a waste problem
    • Report a roads, lighting or traffic fault
    • Residents Recycling Permit
    • How to provide social care feedback

    Last updated: 2020-05-23 14:56:30

  • Q. Why do I need to provide my vehicle registration?

    Your registration will be checked upon your arrival at the recycling centre and is used to verify that you are an East Ayrshire permit holder.

    When you first provide your car registration, this is validated against the DVSA database.

    Last updated: 2020-05-23 14:55:39

  • Q. Do I need to bring ID to the recycling centre to prove I'm an East Ayrshire Council resident?

    You now need to have registered for a Residents Recycling Permit to gain access to our recycling centres.

    Once you have your permit and have registered your vehicle, you don’t need to bring ID with you.

    Last updated: 2020-05-23 14:52:54

  • Q. What do I need to register for the Residents Recycling Permit?

    You will need the following details, your council tax reference can be found on your council tax annual bill:

    • Postal address
    • Council Tax reference
    • Car registration


    Last updated: 2020-05-20 10:56:43

  • Q. Do I need a permit for my skip hire?

    Where possible, skips should be located on your private property such as a driveway or garden.  If this is not possible and you need to put the skip on the road, we will arrange a skip hire permit for you.
    It can take up to three days to get this permit costs £47.36 excluding VAT and is valid for 14 days.
    If you need us to empty and return the skip during the agree hire period, we will apply a second charge. 
    Skips are available all year round.
    Please note that skips cannot be collected on a Saturday or Sunday.

    Last updated: 2020-03-30 07:30:57

  • Q. Will the Council's recycling be more effective with the new system?

    Yes, absolutely. The new system will encourage residents to recycle more effectively and help you to sort out your waste streams before you arrive at the site.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 17:47:58

  • Q. Where can I access my local recycling centre?

    Your local recycling centres are located at Western Road, Kilmarnock and Garlaff near Cumnock. 

    Find out more

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:40:57

  • Q. How do I get a Residents Recycling Permit?

    You need to register for an online customer account and provide your council tax account details.  These details are used to verify that you are an East Ayrshire resident.


    You then need to add any vehicles by providing your vehicle registration(s) up to a maximum of 2 on your permit.


    Your vehicle registration will be used to grant your access to your recycling centre.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:39:58

  • Q. Why do you need my council tax details for me to get a Residents Recycling Permit?

    Your council tax details are used to verify that you are an East Ayrshire resident as permits are only available to East Ayrshire residents.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:37:56

  • Q. Why are you changing the current process of providing ID when you visit the recycling centre?

    We are making change to help improve efficiencies with recycling and to ensure that only residents of East Ayrshire can us the recycling centre.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:35:57

  • Q. What can I use my local recycling centre for?

    You can use the recycling centre to dispose of your household waste and recycling.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:27:00

  • Q. Why is the Residents Recycling Permit being implemented?

    The Residents Recycling Permit is being implemented to improve the way in which East Ayrshire Council residents can access their local Household Waste Recycling Centres and to help improve efficiencies with recycling.

    This new system will also ensure that your financial input to East Ayrshire Council is being spent in the correct way by stopping residents from outside of East Ayrshire from using your facility. It will also combat commercial abuse of the sites.  

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:25:24

  • Q. What are the benefits of the new system for me as an East Ayrshire resident?

    Once registered you will no longer have to bring Identification (ID) when accessing your local recycling centre. Access will be granted electronically making the process easier as you won’t need to remember to bring ID with you and all your details will be checked automatically upon arrival.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:24:34

  • Q. Will I be issued with a permit?

    No. A paper permit will not be issued. Your online customer account will contain details of your permit and staff at the recycling centre will check the status of your permit using your registration number.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:20:53

  • Q. Can I sign up using my mobile phone?

    Yes.  You can use a laptop, tablet or mobile device to sign up.

    Last updated: 2020-03-19 12:11:24

  • Q. I have not received my password reset email for the Our East Ayrshire customer portal, what should I do?

    You should ensure that the email address you entered was registered with the platform.


    You should also check whether the email has been sent to your spam / junk email folders.



    Last updated: 2018-09-28 16:19:25

  • Q. What is Our East Ayrshire?

    Our East Ayrshire is an online customer portal available 24/7.
    It provides access to a range of council services.
    If you create an account, you can access your council tax and or rent account online.
    Creating an account allows you to save your contact details.

    Last updated: 2018-09-07 15:31:51

  • Q. Are there any materials which cannot be placed in a skip?

    The following items should not be placed in your skip:
    Hazardous Waste
    Cinical waste

    Fridges / freezers

    Gas canisters


    Last updated: 2018-09-05 11:30:01

  • Q. Can I request a specific date for the 100th birthday civic celebration request?

    The timing and date will be confirmed to you.
    Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate the timing requested for the presentation, this will depend upon the availability of the Provost and Local Councillor.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:35:46

  • Q. When do I need to submit my application for a celebration request?

    The application should be submitted at least four weeks prior to the date of the birthday with a copy of the individual's birth certificate.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:33:09

  • Q. Can I request a specific councillor to be present at the 100th Birthday celebration?

    Yes you are able to request this but they will only be able to attend if they are available.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:31:05

  • Q. How long can I hire a skip for?

    We normally provide a secen day hire, although a longer rental period can be arranged.
    Skips are available all year round. 
    Please note skips cannot be collected on a Saturday or a Sunday.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:24:40

  • Q. What size of skip can I hire?

    8 cubic yard skips are available.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:20:26

  • Q. Is it possible for the skip to be emptied and returned during the hire period?

    If you need your skip to be emptied and returned to you during the agreed hire period, a second charge will be applied.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:19:35

  • Q. When are skips available to hire?

    Skips are available all year round.
    Please note skips cannot be collected on a Saturday or a Sunday.

    Last updated: 2018-09-05 10:18:33